Album: Fire & Brimstone
Artist: Brantley Gilbert
Genre: County
Record label: The Valory Music Co.
Recommended Tracks: Track 1- Fire’t Up and Track 7- Tough Town
The album Fire & Brimstone was released on October 4, 2019. I has been Gilbert’s latest album since 2017. The album contains fifteen songs. Each song is a bit different from each other. Some songs are upbeat, while others are slow. But, each song definitely has the country twang to it. Brantley Gilbert is an American country singer, writer, and record producer from Jefferson Georgia. He is well known for his song Bottoms Up that came out in 2010. I have heard many of his songs, but I would have to give this album a 3 out of 5. I will explain towards the end why I gave this rating.
Fire’t Up is the first song on the album and was also the first song I listened to on the album. Out of the entire album, it was my personal favorite song from the album. The song has a great beat, it forces you to move along to the music. The song is about having a fun night with your friends. It is about leaving out your daily life and focus on the fun that is happening right in front of you. When I heard this song, I could picture it in a commercial The scene would people driving off into the sunset, rocking out to this song. This is a great song for a car ride if you like upbeat music and want to rock out on the road, especially to the part with the guitar solo.
Tough Town is a song about an old, historic town where the people who lived their literally built the town. They poured “blood, sweat, and tears” into building the town. The song in this town is similar to the town Gilbert grew up in. This song is perfect for anyone who has a great connection to their childhood home town. Gilbert explains that even though the town it old and broken down, that it is a tough town. The song is very upbeat. Like Fire’t Up, it forces you to groove to the music. The guitar in this song, however, it better than in Fire’t Up, it has a more important role in the song.
The two songs that I recommended were the two best and most catchy from the whole album. I love country but this album wasn’t the best country album I have heard. There were more slow songs in the album than upbeat and catchy. So if you are into slow, sadder songs, this album is for you. There are a lot of songs in the album that talk about missing/wanting someone or regret. They are not good songs for an upbeat person. Overall, this album was okay compared to other country I have heard.