Category: Management

Jonathan Siordia (Tech Manager)

Howdy! My name is Jonathan Siordia. I’m the tech manager at KPOET College Radio in sunny Whittier, CA. I grew up in Whittier, so you could call me the local boy who grew up and went to college in his hometown.

I live off of a steady diet of garage rock and alternative, supplemented also by jazz, ambient, and classical.

As Technical Manager I aim to keep KPOET well connected, help entertain the Whittier College campus, shed light onto new and upcoming talent, and keep KPOET constantly playing the best music in the world.

Christopher J. Greenwood (Adviser)

I am the Technical Coordinator at Poet Entertainment and help out KPOET as IT. My favorite type of music is Punk Rock. Preferably from the 90’s but I’m not that picky, A fun fact about myself is that I am still currently in a punk band, Music never leaves you.  My favorite part about KPOET radio is the passion that everyone has there. They all are obsessed with music and genuinely love their work. Loving what you do is always a gift.

Diana Sarabia (General Manager)

My name is  Diana Sarabia. I am currently a Junior majoring in Theatre and minoring in Music and French. I’ve worked for KPOET since the beginning of freshman year, beginning as an album reviewer than a DJ and working my way up to management. As General Manager, my goal is to make KPOET Radio within the Whittier College Community and then the world (maniacal laugh ensues). I listen pretty much everything. You can always find me having fun with my closest friends that I meet while my time spent at KPOET Radio. KPOET Radio will always be a home to me.

Bella Mejos (Album Review Manager)

My name is Bella Mejos and I am this year’s album review manager. I grew up in Northern California and hope to move to New York after I graduate. I am currently a senior at Whittier College where I double major in Business Marketing and a self-designed major through WSP titled Gender in Media. I am involved with organizations around campus such as Violence Intervention and Prevention, Business Leadership Practicum, and Program Board in addition to working for K-Poet. Some of my hobbies include trying new food and drinks around the LA area, watching movies, discovering new music, traveling and thrift shopping. My goal is to travel to 5 of the 7 continents before my passport expires at 28 (3 down 2 to go).

Tanner Sherlock (DJ Managment)

DJ Name:DJ Sora

Year: First Year

Major: Undeclared


Major: I am currently undeclared. I’m maybe planning to go into English, maybe Computer Science, maybe Whittier Scholars but who really knows

Show:I do different shows at KPOET. It kinda varies day to day. I try to stick to generally themes for my shift but I don’t really have a consistent theme other than ‘probably just playing some sort of rock music’. Fridays, however, I tend towards funk and funk-inspired music. I also do a radio show with Kris called ‘The Crypt’ where we talk about cryptids.

Favorite Type of Music:I love to listen to  Alt Rock, Hard Rock, Punk Rock, J-Rock, Grunge, Punk Pop, Funk, Disco, Synth, electronic, 70’s pop, 80’s pop, 90’s pop, Motown, Classic Rock (60’s-70’s Rock), Ska

Fun Fact:A fun fact about me is that  I play a lot of video games. Does that count as a fun fact? I was also valedictorian I guess.

Favorite Part of KPOET Radio:My favorite part of KPOET is the fact the people are awesome, I love getting to help out with posters and stuff, and playing music as a job is pretty fantastic; especially the part where I get some money after two weeks.